Saturday, March 6, 2010

Okay, here goes.

I've been meaning to start this blog for a long time, but haven't quite done it. So I'll just jump right in. I'm in two book clubs--one for church and one with a small group of friends, known as the Fab Five. This month, the Fab Five is reading "The Hunger Games," a young adult novel by Suzanne Collins. I read it in January, and the minute I put it down, I grabbed the second in the series, "Catching Fire." I'm now impatiently awaiting the third one in August, "Mockingjay."

The first two books are fantastic. These are edgy novels, with a premise that a friend called "disturbing." A futuristic North America is now divided into districts, ruled by a Capitol. The Capitol demands that each district sends 2 randomly chosen young people to the Hunger Games, a reality game show where the kids fight to the death.

This sounds grim, and it is. However, the books don't glorify the violence at all. The protagonist, Katniss, is a young woman of strength and intelligence. The novels have layers of moral and political substance, and they are impossible to put down. I'll let you know what the Fab Five thought about it soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And you're doing this because you have so much time to kill.
Look forward to more in depth thoughts than those allowed by a certain publication.